
Ian Chuang

About Me

I am a 1st year EECS PhD at UC Berkeley. I currently work with Prof. Iman Soltani and Prof. Claire Tomlin.


  1. Ian Chuang, Andrew Lee, Dechen Gao, Mahdi Naddaf, and Iman Soltani
    ICRA 2025

  2. Amin Ghafourian, Zhongying CuiZhu, Debo Shi, Ian Chuang, Francois Charette, Rithik Sachdeva, and Iman Soltani

  3. Vera Memmesheimer, Ian Chuang, Bahram Ravani, and Achim Ebert
    AHFE 2024


  1. ROS Workspace for UR5e Robots in HRVIP Lab and HOMESTRI

  2. ROS Environment for Aubo Robots in LARA

  3. ROS environment for Viper X 300 arms

  4. Template for controlling any robot arm in Mujoco with operational space control

  5. ROS Docker workspace for running explainable behavior trees for UR5e robot in HOMESTRI.

  6. ROS driver for OnRobot RG2-FT Gripper

  7. ROS driver for Robotiq 2F-85 Gripper

  8. ROS driver for DH Robotics AG95 Gripper

  9. ROS driver for KWR75 Force Torque Sensor

  10. ECS189L Group Project for a Unity 2D Side scrolling game

  11. ECS171 Machine Learning group project to predict likelihood of heart disease

  12. React app to visualize sorting, graph, and maze generation algorithms

  13. Twitter-like app built from scratch with ReactJS, Redux, and Firebase